Sitting Meditation

Sitting Meditation

Find a comfortable posture that allows you to keep your back and neck straight and relaxed. Keep your chin tucked slightly in so that your head and spine form a straight line.  You may keep your eyes open or closed.  If you are sleepy, try to keep your eyes open and maintain a soft gaze on the floor about three to four feet in front of you.

Observe quietness of body.  Do not make any body adjustments, changes or movements, unless you are feeling pain.  Quietness of body keeps the mind quiet.  Quietness of mind keeps the body quiet.  Do not try to figure anything out.

To obtain the benefits of sitting meditation, it is best to practice daily.  Find a time that is comfortable for you, first thing in the morning, before going to bed or another time that is convenient to set aside for meditation on a regular basis.  If you are very busy, even five minutes a day will provide benefits. If you have the time, sit for as long as you like.

Sit with others, if possible, for it will help maintain your practice.  Sitting in a group  generates a powerful group energy that is different from the experience of sitting alone.