Walking Meditation
Walking meditation is practiced formally between rounds of sitting meditation. Taking one-step for each in breath and one-step for each out breath. Walking very slowly and mindfully, paying attention to each movement. Noticing as you lift your foot off the ground, as your leg travels through the air, feeling the weight of your body as you place your foot on the ground. Noticing how your clothing moves along the surface of your skin as your body moves. Your full awareness is with your movement and your breath. Keeping a soft smile on your face, as you are able, and imagining that you are kissing the earth with each step and leaving a flower behind you as you walk. Use images that enhance your ability to walk softly and gently with a smile.
Walking meditation may also be used throughout the day, wherever you are. Walking at a normal pace, placing your awareness on the breath and the movement; counting the number of steps for each in breath and the number of steps for you out breath, or simply being aware of walking and breathing. Instead of counting, you may repeat a phrase as you walk. For example, with a 3: 3 count you can silently say to yourself: “Steps bring flowers,” or “Steps bring calmness.” For a 5:5 count, you might use: “Walking on the green planet.” Use phrases that work best for you. Stay mindful of each step, your breathing, and your smile, remembering to come back to the breath if you get lost in thought or otherwise distracted.